Author: admin

Memory Myth

I’ve been using different memory cards in different devices. I’ve used MMCs, SD, MicroSD, Sony Memory stick and so on. I never bothered re-checking their capacity and trusted on the label on the card itself. I have been using a 2GB MMC-Mobile in my good old N72 and I never went into the phone’s memory […]

Nokia N82 16GB

I have just plugged in my new 16GB Micro SDHC card into my Nokia N82. This turns my N82, 16GB. I am so excited that I have overtaken my brother’s Nokia N95-8GB. This is really interesting to see that N95-8GB has no way to install an extra bit of memory and is stuck at 8GB. […]


I have received a pack of toys that I’ll be playing with from now on. I will keep posting about these on my blog. First to be metioned is a Class-2 Micro-SDHC Card with 16 GB capacity. I’ll be using it to boost-up my phone’s memory capacity. Stay tuned.