Category: Internet

Is it Microsoft vs Apple all over again? HP Pulls the plug on Web-OS.

The news is spreading fast that HP is discontinuing the Web-OS device operations. While this news needs more detailed analysis and we have a long way to go but we are left with lesser number of players when it comes to operating system for the hand-held devices. Google, Apple, RIM and Microsoft are the four […]

Get a 50 Mbps Broadband Connection on PTCL today

No, PTCL doesn’t pay me for this but its out of sheer excitement, I just came across the least advertised but certainly available broadband connection by PTCL. We did hear about it earlier in April but now the connections are silently available. No ads, no hype and no big buzz. May be this launch is […]

Photo Editor by hits the top of the world, yet again.

I’m happy to share the news that Photo Editor, a BlackBerry app by has hit the #1 slot on BlackBerry App World again. Photo Editor has been in top 20 apps since it hit the top slot back in December. The quality and features this app provides have won the hearts of BlackBerry users […]

Choosing a tablet? – BlackBerry Playbook and iPad web rendering comparison

This video demonstrate the use of flash and rich content rendering on RIM’s upcoming BlackBerry Playbook and compares it to the iPad’s Safari browser. If you are looking forward to buy a new tablet, Playbook is definitely one of the alternate option for you. The video also gives a clear idea of the size of […]